About Us

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After an 8 year battle with infertility and countless struggles, our family is finally complete. This blog chronicles the journey it took for us to start and build the family we always wanted. Background on the blog (started in 2012, just days before I found out the embryo transfer for our son worked).... I decided to start a blog after realizing I have only been able to make it through my TWW's (two week waits) with the help of Google and with the openness of other women suffering from infertility sharing their own stories and giving others hope. I have time and time again found my exact symptoms on other women's blogs and felt an overwhelming sense of calmness they provided me. I thought it was time to pay it forward and hopefully provide this same thing to other women on their own journeys.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Beta #3 - 14dp6dt

Praise the Lord!!
Thrilled with that.   39 hour doubling time (up from 34 hour doubling, but still great!).

Betas so far:
14dpo = 136*
16dpo = 365
19dpo = 1292

Thinking about my second child all the time.....


  1. WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! This is the first pregnancy of yours that I've followed that has nothing screwy with betas. you are going to have this baby(s)! I know it!

    1. You are soooooo right. Even our normal girl last fall had a wonky second beta (and they weren't that high either)!!!

  2. Praise the Lord for sure!!!! Now you can officially STOP poas! ;) so happy for you!!! ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Thank you hun! What did your RE say today about a new plan?!?

  3. Praise God! So happy for you Lauree!!!

  4. Whew! I was nervous all day and constantly Refreshing my reader app

    1. ❤️❤️ Means the world to me all of you girls were rooting for my little bean!!!

  5. Yay! Congrats Lauree! Now step away from the pee sticks girl and just enjoy being pregnant while you wait for your 1st ultrasound <3

    1. I can step away but will I? lol. I still tested last night. lol

  6. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! I am so freaking happy for you!
