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After an 8 year battle with infertility and countless struggles, our family is finally complete. This blog chronicles the journey it took for us to start and build the family we always wanted. Background on the blog (started in 2012, just days before I found out the embryo transfer for our son worked).... I decided to start a blog after realizing I have only been able to make it through my TWW's (two week waits) with the help of Google and with the openness of other women suffering from infertility sharing their own stories and giving others hope. I have time and time again found my exact symptoms on other women's blogs and felt an overwhelming sense of calmness they provided me. I thought it was time to pay it forward and hopefully provide this same thing to other women on their own journeys.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

9dp6dt - Symptoms & HPTs


Middle of the night - a pretty vivid dream, peed once.

Morning - Couple ute tweaks.

Mid-day - Weird smelling pee.  A few ute tweaks maaaaaaybe?   Bloated after lunch - pants feel tight (even though I'm at an all time low for the year).

Afternoon - A little tired after lunch.  Little bit of light brown spotting.

Evening - A little tired after dinner.  Little bit of light brown spotting.  Maaaaaybe a boob tweak while laying on the couch?  Tongue scraper blood. 

I need to keep remembering this and push out the fear!!

So nervous to test tonight, I don't know why.  Maybe because the symptoms (the tweaking and cramping and pulling) has vastly dissipated.  Maybe the little babe is all snuggled in now?   This makes me happy though.  Victor's cycle at 9 days post transfer - hardly a single symptom that day specifically too!  

Finally caved at 8:30pm and tested....

I actually did two wondfos tonight because 
I thought the first looked way too light, 
the second one didn't let me down:

New curved FRER 9dp6dt:

FRER "wet" comparison - 7, 8 and 9 dpt:

My madness thus far:


  1. Congrats Lauree! That's a nice strong line you got on the Wondfo! The ladies on an ivf board I was chatting on didn't get a dark line on the new FRER's until hcg was over 100! I used wondfos for my last 2 FET's since I wanted to test twice a day too.

    1. Oh man I hope I'm around 100 today since I want to be around 200 Friday. I'm already scared for tonight's test!!!!

  2. You are going for an earlier beta so don't put so much pressure on yourself for a high beta number on Friday. You are pregnant lady! Hugs!

    1. FET's also have lower starting betas on average as well. I'm hoping for anything over 100 for Friday honestly!

  3. I also read a study that said that PGS tested embies also produce less hcg.

    1. Yes. Oh your weird smelling pee is from the wobenzyme N. That line is getting dark! Yay! For sure over hcg is over a 100 now :)

    2. You're super smart. I did notice it just s few hours after taking the wobenzym n!

  4. Lauree love love that quote! I heard it on the radio once and I always try to remember it when I begin to get fearful! Picture those emby's in his hands!

    1. I need this tattooed on my wrist or something so I can look down and read it all day long. It's one thing to read it, another to actually live it (I need to work hard on the latter!).

  5. I like your quotes, especially today's quote. I'm a worry wart and I have to realize that where worry is - faith can't bloom. Loveliness.

    1. I can't take credit for making them up but I do absolutely love and need those every day!!!

  6. All your quotes are really touching and so true!
    Just wanted to let you know, this time it's over for me. I've tested my beta and 9dp3dt it's <0,100...
    still FX for your friday!

    1. Oh Em I'm so sorry girl. :( Take the time you need to let it out. Will you try again? Please stay in touch!!!

  7. Thanks...I've been preparing myself for that, so only tonight time to cry it out and tomorrow i have to come up with a new plan:) i have 4 embryos left so hopefully one of them is my baby

    1. That's awesome you have some frosties left!!!! Keep me updated!!!
