About Us

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After an 8 year battle with infertility and countless struggles, our family is finally complete. This blog chronicles the journey it took for us to start and build the family we always wanted. Background on the blog (started in 2012, just days before I found out the embryo transfer for our son worked).... I decided to start a blog after realizing I have only been able to make it through my TWW's (two week waits) with the help of Google and with the openness of other women suffering from infertility sharing their own stories and giving others hope. I have time and time again found my exact symptoms on other women's blogs and felt an overwhelming sense of calmness they provided me. I thought it was time to pay it forward and hopefully provide this same thing to other women on their own journeys.

Monday, September 17, 2012

38w0d - Mike and I go on a date

So Mike and I woke up Saturday morning and decided to go on a date.

First, we went to breakfast at Cracker Barrel (photo no actually of our local establishment).

Next, we headed over to Fuhrman's Cider Mill to get some cider.  We were also hoping to pick up some gluten free bakery items for myself but they no longer sell gluten free items because of low demand.  Boo.

After that we went down to Presque Isle and walked around Perry's Monument (link to full album:  https://picasaweb.google.com/118318226625393950086/20120915PerryMonumentWithMike?authuser=0&feat=directlink).

Finally we went to Wegman's to get some groceries.  :)   (Also not my photo.)

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