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After an 8 year battle with infertility and countless struggles, our family is finally complete. This blog chronicles the journey it took for us to start and build the family we always wanted. Background on the blog (started in 2012, just days before I found out the embryo transfer for our son worked).... I decided to start a blog after realizing I have only been able to make it through my TWW's (two week waits) with the help of Google and with the openness of other women suffering from infertility sharing their own stories and giving others hope. I have time and time again found my exact symptoms on other women's blogs and felt an overwhelming sense of calmness they provided me. I thought it was time to pay it forward and hopefully provide this same thing to other women on their own journeys.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Beta #1 - 9dp6dt / 14dpo

So, I may or may not have had my beta drawn yesterday.  And I may or may not know the result!

So yesterday, I had to have TSH drawn, so while I was in the labcorp waiting room, I went to walkinlab.com and ordered a HCG quantitative blood test requisition.  It was only $37!

I just got the results.......

I am FLOORED to say the least.  Those lines on the FRERS are anything but 155 worthy!  lol

I am considering it 14dpo at the time of the draw.  Even though it was a 6 day transfer (6dt), the blastocysts were at a 5 day stage when transferred.

Here's my dot on the famous graphing tool:


  1. Thats SO great! Im really happy for u!! Congrats!

    1. Thanks Em! I wish you were joining me! Soon you will be with your frosties! I'm happy today but definitely not out of the woods yet!

  2. AMAZING!!! So happy to see this post! Been praying for you!

    1. Destiny, your prayers mean the world to me! Thank you for them! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

  3. That's so awesome Lauree!!! So happy for you! Can't wait for the US to see if it's one or two!!!

  4. Replies
    1. <3 thank you girl. thanks for cheering me on this whole time! <3

    2. I am praying for you and your little one. You so deserve this happiness after all you have been through!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Your* number looks really high btw! One would be a huge blessing... but it looks like you have 2 in tote! & you're blessed because by what I read on your pregnancy with Victor, it was smooth sailing with minimum nausea. I had awful nausea with mine. & apparently symptoms are magnified with multiple babes.

    1. 2 would be such a blessing - but 1 would be such a blessing too! We are happy with any number so long as we have a baby in our arms and a sibling for Victor! I have hardly any symptoms these days it seems so I really think it's one. :)

  7. Replies
    1. Wouldn't that be a wonderful way to wrap up this journey?!

  8. Hurrah! Sounds like two implanted. That's such good news!!!

    1. We would be absolutely thrilled but just as happy with one - anything healthy!

  9. OMGosh!!!!! Congratulations!!!! Praise God!!!! With my twins, I was 10dp5dt and my first beta was 167... not to freak you out!!! :)) What were the grades of your embryos? How long have these been frozen?

    1. My clinic doesn't release grades. Though both were PGS normal!! I'm so excited for tomorrow's repeat beta!!! I can't wait for you to join me!!!!!!

    2. I just looked back they are definitely 5 somethings, beautiful! You are lucky you PGS tested!!! I'm nervous!

    3. Yeah definitely expanded. But they both look like a hot mess to tell grading! I bet my clinic grades, they just don't release the data. I pray for your perfect 5AA to complete your family!!!!!!

    4. Thank you❤️ I pray for yours to complete your family too!!!

  10. praying for you and baby - for a healthy pregnancy. congratulations.

    1. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Prayers mean the world to us!!!!
